+LAND_SCAPES+ [garden to disappear]

Just before leaving to Germany I started wondering about those spaces inside the city that have been left to despair, that have no specific use, areas that we often overlook; places in which nature takes over in a clear attempt to reclaim its once owned territory, and that existing in contrast to how, where and why gardens are design inside the cities.

This intervention consisted on the simple action of cleaning a portion of this space, followed by the highlighting of the nature that surprisingly manages to exist there.

The site and the surroundings stated the ‘natural’ order. All the potential lied there, but the action made it visible, it underlined what already existed, in a way that didn’t deny or change the inevitability of its disappearance, a sacred process of making something that is not made to last forever, ‘planting’ the fragments of a new growth.

Bogotá, Colombia 2005

1 comment:

Sabs said...

Me encanta ver como en su trabajo hay un hilo conductor, que plantea la idea de que talves usted si la tiene más clara de lo que todos creen. Fijese en eso un momento y depronto las respuestas se hagan más claras al ver todo su trabajo en un mismo lugar y con un orden de ideas más evidente.